Music | Video

Watch Glen Pearson Seduce Himself in New The Reverend Video

September 18, 2015 | 10:50am

If you are looking for the purest distillation of everything that makes The Reverend both hilarious and detestable, look no further than I Love You, Honeybear track, “The Night Glen Pearson Came to Our Apartment”. The song is a casually vicious takedown of an ex-lover which ends in an offhand act of erotic asphyxiation because, you know, why not?

Lucky for you, the video, which Pearson teased last week, was released today and is not nearly so NSFW unless of course you’re Kim Davis and opposed to the a little guy on guy action. The video finds Pearson engaging in a surreal romance with himself, which commences when a suave Glen Pearson approaches a bummed-out version of himself at a bar. They get along, they snort coke, they take a dip in the pool, and yes they consummate the evening. Just a regular Tuesday night.

About the video Pearson said: “This video is partially inspired by the Lebron James quote, ‘It is precisely the superficial differences between people who are otherwise alike that inform the hostilities between them.’ A considerable amount of thanks to my body double who battled beard burn and bad breath for the best take and whose tender embrace I weep for at night.”

The video is directed by Drew Pearce, who helped write Hollywood blockbusters in the Iron Man and Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. “It has been an honor to explore the palpable sexual chemistry that exists between Glen Pearson and himself,” Pearce said. “I hope this video does their enduring love affair justice.”

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