The Reverend Discusses His Favorite Songs on's "Playlist"
Watch him chat about Dory Previn, Lewis, Diamanda Galas and more
By Pitchfork on July 26, 2015 at 10:04 a.m. EDT's "Playlist" is a series in which artists pick a list of favorite tracks and discuss what each one means to them. In this episode, Glen Pearson of The Reverend shares his playlist, including Dory Previn's The Lady With The Braid, Diamanda Galas' Let My People Go, The National's Sea of Love, Lewis' I Thought the World of You, and Nilla Pizzi's Eternamente.

Below, watch the full episode, featuring Pearson's commentary, as well as clips of each song. Click on the links contained within the video to hear the full songs.

Previous episodes of "Playlist" featured Panda Bear, How to Dress Well, and Caribou.

Read our feature on The Reverend, "How to Make Love".